CDW Supplier Delivery Information & Requirements
Please refer to the below information prior to making any delivery or collection to either of the below CDW sites.
CDW UK has two warehouse operations:
RUGBY | NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTRE | CDW Limited, Castle Mound Way, Rugby, CV23 0WB |
HUNTINGDON | BREAK FIX OPERATIONS CENTRE | CDW Limited, Unit A2, A3, Spitfire Cl, Huntingdon PE29 6XY |
RUGBY - Supplier Delivery - Requirements
All deliveries and collections to/from the Warehouse need to be booked onto GoRamp to ensure compliance with Security and resource.                Â
- How to register: GoRamp User Guide:Â YouTube
- How to make the reservation:  How to make a reservation in the Client Warehouse? - YouTube Â
- For delivery slots. Timeslots (
- Once booking slot is confirmed you will be required to arrive within 30 minutes of time slot to enable receipt. If you are unable to meet this timeframe you must call 0207 791 6700 to advise of detail to rearrange. Outside of booking slot and without communication your booking slot will be cancelled and you may be declined access to site. An alternative slot may need to be booked.
- If non arrival more than 3 times then we may need to contact you to review booking requirements. Â Â Â Â Â
- For all orders coming through the warehouse please see and adhere to the following standards.
- These are standards, however we do deal with anomalies such as Rack heights, Spec built/CTO items such as kiosk or Cisco/NetApp which we must be informed of in advance.  Detailed specifically on GoRamp.
RUGBY - Supplier Delivery - Standards
All deliveries into the Rugby National Distribution Centre need to comply with delivery requirements.Â
- Complete GoRamp at least 24 hours in advance to enable delivery. All deliveries must be made Pre 10:30am – Unless otherwise agreed in advance.
- The CDW purchase order number to be displayed on each case/pallet (if one SKU/FULL CASE PALLET).Â
- The part number ordered to be displayed on every item. No alternatives should be sent without agreement from the buyer to enable POR to be amended.
- If a part number consists of more than one item, each individual item/box must be labelled with its individual part number and the delivery note must be reflective of this. Â
- If a box contains multiples of the same item, the outer carton must be labelled to reflect this.Â
- If items are ordered as individual items, the items must be packaged accordingly.Â
- Serial numbers to be displayed on the outer box and as a barcode. These must be accessible and scannable.  Â
- Where possible part code/serial number facing out .
- Broken pallets will be returned to sender.Â
- Pallets stacked no higher than 1.8m, DG Markings, safely stacked/wrapped.Â
- Accompanying paperwork listing part numbers, quantities delivered and CDW purchase order number.Â
- All items must be sufficiently packaged to ensure safe storage and protect during onward transportation.Â
- All deliveries made on euro 1200x800mm or standard 4 way wooden pallets 1200x1000mm.          Â
- Unless prior agreement which will only be considered if the product cannot fit on a standard pallet.
HUNTINGDON - Supplier Delivery Requirements
Deliveries to site:
- All deliveries where pallets are required, should be Pre advised via email to
- The break fix operations centre are happy to accept all pallet types, but must not be damaged. Damaged pallets will be refused.
- All deliveries should be accompanied with appropriate inventory paperwork
- All pallet deliveries should be received on fully wrapped pallets, not open top wrapped, as CDW will not be liable for shortages
- All deliveries should be delivered between the hours of 8.30am and 5.30pm, Mon-Fri. We are closed on weekends and Bank Holidays
- All deliveries should be well packaged and secured. CDW are not liable for damages
 Collections from site:
- All collections from site will be accompanied with appropriate paperwork
- All collections where pallets are required, will be packaged onto Standard UK 1.2m x 1.0m pallets, and will be sealed, with a full inventory attached to each pallet
- All collections from site will be between the hours 8.30am and 5.30pm, Mon- Fri, We are closed on weekends and Bank Holidays
- All collections will be well packaged and secured by CDW.
INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENTS - Delivery terms of goods
- If you a UK based supplier: you the supplier must be the importer of record (IOR) for any supply of goods into the UK and delivered to CDW LTD under DDPÂ terms.Â
If the exporting goods to from another country to one of our sites: CDW LTD will be the IOR and the delivery terms must be DAP.Â
- Please note the following information for your shipment:
Notify Party | C4 Logistics Ltd, Bailey House, Curriers Close, Coventry CV4 8AW | | +44 24 7669 4527 |
Consignee | CDW LTD, Unit 8 castle Mound Way, Rugby, CV23 0WB | | +44 20 7791 6710 |
- The above mentioned contacts will need to be sent the air waybill/CMR/bill of lading & commercial invoice.
- The commercial invoice will need to include our PORD reference.
- If the above is not provided in full to the above mentioned contacts the import may be returned to sender.