Digital Enablement

What is Intelligent Automation?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA), or Intelligent Automation, is a way of improving data collection, data processing, stock purchasing, or customer queries. It can be used to deliver enhanced customer satisfaction, whether that's through improved clinical pathways in healthcare, or a quicker resolution time in contact centres. RPA allows the user or organisation to script a process to allow a Bot to complete the process a human would do, freeing up time to do other tasks.

RPA isn’t just for IT Teams

Initially, because RPA can involve AI, the Information Technology (IT) team will be the department looking at implementing the strategy. But, once the project is rolled out, its benefits and influence most certainly go far beyond IT. It makes sense to consult and involve individual department heads from the start. In most cases, we find that the value of automation has a larger return on investment outside of the IT function.

Processes such as starters and leavers, invoice processing, screening processes, escalation management, compliance reporting, refunds and returns, and more, can be automated to enable your organisation to become more operationally efficient, scalable, and less prone to human error.

What to Automate

The simplest and most universally applicable automation use-cases (where you ought to focus first) are those which are:

  • Highly repetitive (and hence monotonous for employees)
  • High volume
  • Gathering data from disparate platforms and systems
  • Low variance
  • Highly rule-based (i.e., there are very few options for deviation)
  • Mature and stable processes which the organisation has been carrying out for a long time

How Do CDW Ensure Success?

CDW offer ideation services created to provide organisations with a business case and assessment of the ROI on automating processes. Helping you find the right processes to drive adoption and success in your RPA initiatives has led to the CDW RPA PMAC (Plan, Migrate, Adopt, CARE). Each step is carefully designed so that regardless of the stage you are in on your journey, CDW can help. You don’t have to start on the Plan phase; if you are further in your journey, CDW’s model can assist regardless.

CDW RPA Plan Summary

RPA Plan

With our experience as a leading solutions and services provider, CDW can help you identify the areas of your business that can be transformed through automation.
CDW RPA Migrate Summary

RPA Migrate

RPA Migrate is an engagement framework for migrating to unattended automation. It allows you to deliver your initial process(es) in an automated platform ensuring you can measure the success.
CDW RPA Adopt Summary

RPA Adopt

RPA Adopt is focussed on driving awareness of the attended process change to business users. Key stakeholder engagement and education is provided in this framework.
CDW RPA Care Summary

RPA Care

CDW's RPA Care is here to keep your investment valuable to your organisation. This framework is aimed at people who have either just adopted RPA or those who have already automated processes.

5 Steps To Intelligent Automation

Robotic Process Automation can see a return of 800% on specific tasks and requirements. Our specialists are sharing the 5 steps to intelligent automation in our RPA ebook.

Why Choose CDW For RPA?

  • Trusted Provider

    CDW is a leading multi-brand technology solutions provider to business, government, education, and healthcare organisations in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and other international locations.

  • Full Delivery Capability

    We help our clients achieve their goals through an outcome-led approach, delivering integrated solutions and services that maximise their technology investment. Integrating new technologies into your organisation demands a careful balancing act; cost, security and competitive advantage all need to be considered as part of a forward-thinking IT strategy.

  • Industry Experts

    At CDW, we are recipients of the industry’s highest achievable accreditations. Our IT solutions and services are designed to offer you strategic advantages over your competitors, a better experience for your users, and increased relevance in the market.

Other IT Solutions & Services

Our integrated technology solutions experts ensure your productive use of technology by getting to know your organisation, understanding your evolving needs, and advising you on the right solutions for you.

CDW Enterprise Service Management Summary

Enterprise Service Management

With a collaborative approach get your whole organisation working together to the same goals and metrics, enabling your business to achieve sustainable success and return on investment.
CDW IT Service Management Summary

IT Service Management

CDW's ITSM solution encompasses a range of tools, processes, and best practices designed to align your IT services with business objectives and improve overall IT efficiency.
CDW IT Asset Management Summary

IT Asset Management

IT Asset Management (ITAM) can help you generate the most value from these resources. A proactive ITAM strategy that manages the overall lifecycle of your IT assets can empower your business.

Achieve Intelligent Automation

Complete the form to speak to our experts on how they can help you automate to enable your organisation to become more operationally efficient, scalable, and less prone to human error.